Sunday, 13 October 2013

An autumn stroll around Chipperfield Woods

Let me introduce you to the second love of my life, Riley. An apricot cockapoo who is 3 years old but to me will always be a pup! 
I could post endless photos of him but this isn't a cockapoo blog so I'll try to keep myself under control.. 
Yesterday morning my fiancé (first love of my life although sometimes he thinks I'm more besotted with the pup than him...) and I took him up to chipperfield woods, one of his fav places to run around and he always tries to jump in the pond. Not this time though, I did not want to bath him when we got back!! 
It was meant to be pouring with rain all day but turned out to be super sunny with pretty dappled light and sun rays that you get at this time of year. 

He wasn't in the mood for posing much yesterday, wanting to chase after sticks the whole time...
Here he is walking 'nicely' with Ben but actually just barking for a stick to be thrown. Oh the life of a pup! 
The leaves are just stating to turn but most have still got a few weeks to be really colourful. Autumn is one of my favourite times of the year. I'm planning a trip to Kew Gardens next week to see the pumpkins. Such a child at heart getting excited for Halloween and all things autumnal. 

R <3 xx 

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